I am a senior lecturer in quantitative methods at the University of Greenwich, in the School of Accounting, Finance and Economics. I am an associate editor at the Review of Social Economy and a council member of the Progressive Economy Forum. I can be contacted at r.g.calvertjump [at] greenwich.ac.uk.
I am currently working on things like,
Calvert Jump, R. and Scavette, A. 2022. The labor market effects of place-based policies: Evidence from England’s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper, 22-02.
Calvert Jump, R. and Michell, J. 2020. Deprivation and the electoral geography of Brexit. SSRN Working Paper, online.
Calvert Jump, R. and Kohler, K. 2022. A history of aggregate demand and supply shocks for the United Kingdom, 1900 to 2016. Explorations in Economic History, in press.
Calvert Jump, R. and Michell, J. 2020. Education and the geography of Brexit. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, in press.
I am also interested in partial identification and sensitivity analysis, to which I have made this small contribution,
Calvert Jump, R. 2024. Tractable Bayesian inference for unidentified linear regression models. The American Statistician, in press.